Art Decor Exhibition “Welcome-Goodbye”
Design is a Charm – Exhibition
Welcome – Goodbye. Architects and artists were invited by AD Magazine to create interpretations and applications for the theme “Design is a Charm” at Project 4L Gallery. While contributing to this work, we wanted to interpret the transition that is essential to defining our world of thought. For this reason, we requested that the entrance and exit points be dedicated to our work.
Moving from the existing world and spaces to another space or volume should deliver messages to tones, senses, and perceptions, offering a process and environment that purifies what exists. A mental cleanse, between what is left behind and what is arrived at. The threshold, the point where differences intersect.
Welcome – Goodbye. A simple mass, a mysterious box, a radiant object. To enter and exit the exhibition, one must touch it, dive into it, and carve a path. Feeling the wind, swaying, scattering rays, desiring to overcome barriers—purifying by illuminating the eyes and touching the body.
This was the role of Welcome – Goodbye.
Location: Istanbul,Turkey